On May 28, 2023, the Center in collaboration with Hanoi University of Science and Technology, University of Electricity, University of Natural Sciences – Hanoi National University, Quang Ninh University of Industry and Hanoi University of Industry organized a training program and practice skills of refusal, Problem solving and decision making, Seeking support for 30 selected students and 3 groups of award-winning research students of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) at room D3-402 of Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Objectives of the program: i) Training and practice skills of refusal, problem solving and decision making, seeking support; ii) Help students have practical knowledge about Rejection skills, problem solving and decision-making, seeking support in life, study and work.
In the morning of 28/5, students were shared and trained on refusal skills by Ms. Pham Thi Hai Yen, Lecturer of Thuy Loi University, through contents such as: Reasons to say no, Principles of saying no, Verbal refusal and nonverbal refusal. The expert also divided the students into groups and asked the groups to record videos introducing the group members, sharing situations where they had rejected before and how they felt about rejecting others. Then, the expert invited a few groups of two friends, came up with hypothetical situations on their own, and practiced ways to say no according to the methods offered by the expert.
In the afternoon, students continued to have experts shared her problem-solving and decision-making skills, seeking support. After the warm-up game at the beginning of the program, the expert trained the students on Problem-solving and decision-making skills, including contents such as 5 steps to solve problems, Problem solving tools; Mistakes when making decisions, 5 steps to making decisions. Experts offered many hypothetical situations, groups selected situations and then sent representatives of each group to present. Next, the expert went on to share Skills to seek help, in this section students heard about Forms of help, Criteria for determining help address, Steps to find help. They also watched clips of help, and answered the question of why there was a difference in the outcome of those helps. For the rest of the training program, experts let the student painted portraits of people who have been helping them, such as family members, close friends,… and shared how you were helped.
At the end of the training, the students shared that they learned a lot from the program and thanked the organizers of the program. Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Natural Sciences – Hanoi National University shared: “As a student who received a scholarship and participated in a skills training class, I am very happy and proud. I find this a very useful course for us now and in the future. The course made me aware of how to say no to be reasonable. Help me develop soft skills in life, how to handle situations in all situations. After studying this course, I see that I have learned a lot. I thank the program so much.”